Rhenus Intermodal Systems® NV

Rhenus Intermodal Systems® NV is applying to you to offer services in container, wagon, as well as truck and air transportation from Europe, USA, China, India and countries of South-East Asia.

We are an international provider of logistics services, with head office in Belgium, and member of RHENUS group of companies. Almaty representative office Rhenus Intermodal Systems LLP has been  operating successfully in Kazakhstan during fifteen years already. We dispose of our own park of containers all around the world and therefore are glad to offer high quality and fast freight forwarding services in 20'DV, 20'OT, 40'DV, 40'HC, 40'OT containers.

MIS offers wide network of own offices in Europe, Russia, Uzbekistan, China, Turkey and India, where our agents are ready to assist our clients.

Our main clients are companies leaders in their sphere on supplies of tea, tobacco, electronics, pharmaceuticals and construction materials to Kazakhstan. We also provide our services to Kazakhstan' exporters of goods and materials.

We offer competitive rates and high quality, client-oriented service including daily tracing on the CIS territory.  We will be glad to offer you our best rates upon request.

You can find more details about Rhenus Intermodal Systems N.V. and the Rhenus Group on site: www.maxx.be  and www.rhenus.com

In case of any questions please feel free to call us +7 727 356 00 56 (int. 107) send your request to meirat.nazaraliyev@kz.rhenus.com

Ассоциация Национальных Экспедиторов Республики Казахстан:

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содействует развитию экспедиторских услуг на всех видах транспорта

участвует в формировании транспортного законодательства

развивает государственно-частное партнерство

участвует в реализации проектов повышения эффективности перевозок и торговли

укрепляет международные связи в области транспортной экспедиции далее >>

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